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  • Writer's picturerhianprime

Written or free prayer?

Lots of people have asked me over the years about how they can improve their prayer life and should they follow set prayers or pray extemporary ( freely). Now to be fair, you must pray in a manner that suits you and set written prayers can be great, as can ones that many would say come from the heart. People often feel their own words are not good enough or samey, equally there is quite a set mantra often to extemporary prayers.

When I was a Methodist I was brought up on extemporary prayer and it can be very good, but also it can too long and too much a "Cook's tour" of the world. I am now happiest using a mixture, extemporary with set prayers - of which I believe the writers were guided by the Holy Spirit in their preparation of their prayers. I have sat through many a prayer in the vestry or round the dining table that go on and on and on. I am sure you have had similar experiences. To write down a prayer or select one from a book, inevitably rules out repetition and keeps it shorter and maybe more easily prayed.

However there is no right or wrong and I always think of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of the Orthodox Church, who believed that you should be comfortable in prayer with God and that you can pray by simply chatting to God, draw up another chair if that helps you feel more comfortable.

So in prayer, there is no way that you must adopt or follow. Try setting some time aside and be comfortable with God first. You can use a photograph or sit by a window, light a candle if it helps, a rosary or prayer beads, an icon or something natural like flowers. You can play some music if it helps you wind down and prepares the time for you to be in prayer. the important thing is to make time regularly and maybe at a set time, if routine helps you. Make sure you don't have too much time initially for prayers say 5-10 minutes, which will feel a long time. but you can extend it when it feels right to do so. Open a dialogue with God and begin to explore your relationship in this precious time. Speak normally, no airs and graces, no need for Thees and Thous and remember nobody will judge you. Try some sets prayers eg the parish morning or evening prayer or try telling God how you are or what is bothering you.

If you are looking for inspiration in your prayers today try this one:

Lord, renew our spirits and draw our hearts into you,

that our work may not be to us a burden, but a delight;

and give us such a mighty love to you, that will lift our hearts and spirits. Amen

Or try these prompts:

Think and pray, what do you thank God for now.

Where have you seen beauty today and

where have you seen need. AMEN

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