Does your garden enjoy the rain we have had and will continue to have, I believe. I thought goody, I won't need to water later! But everything looks fresher and almost greener too. I love the warm weather, but nothing beats cooling shower or two in our gardens and countryside.
Now can anyone here identify this tree? It grows in the rear garden at The Rectory, but to be honest I havent noticed previously the almost conifer like opening of the buds to be followed by leaves. It is probably a common tree and shame on me for not knowing it!

We are growing more this year than normal thinking we will be around to water everything and loving our veggies, afraid we may not access things easily. So Becky who loves a bit of horticulture has got on with it. She has been hampered by the fact the scaffolding is still in place after the fire, though hoping it will go away quickly as it stands on a veggie border! Becky, urgently needs it too! Have you planted anything this year? The garden can be hard work if we have more mature years but everyone can grow something simple even if just from a window sill.
Bill shared with me so I can share with you
A poem by R. Browning.
The years' at the spring,
The day's at the morn,
The morning's at seven,
The hillsides' dew pearled,
The lark's on the wing ;
The snails' on the thorn,
Gods' in his heaven;
Alls' right with the world.
Here is my first collection of green houses!

You don't need a vegetable pot to grow veg just use the spaces in the flower borders etc to plant an individual veg. Some flowers can help protect nearby veg in what is called companion planting.
This is impressive, Bill.
The gardens hold so much, as does the countryside to inspire us. The growth of some cress on the window sill, brightens up a simple egg sandwich and herbs make our cooking tastier and more appertising. I love Basil and making tomato, Mozzarella and basil, fresh salads in the warmer weather. It look so colourful, smells wonderful and makes you want to eat! A pot of grown flowers alongside a photo maybe of someone dear, but now long gone, not only reminds us of the frailty of life but also the beauty of what's around us.
Think about planting something for inside or outside and simply enjoy all of it!
Inside My Garden Gate How I love my little garden, where I sit and contemplate. My perfect piece of paradise inside my garden gate. Hanging baskets, pretty pots, the flowers are brimming over. The grass so green, the buttercups, the daisies, and the clover. Honeysuckle and jasmine giving off its sweet perfume. Pretty lilies open wide, rose bushes in full bloom. In summer they stand tall and proud as the buds turn into flowers. I sit and watch as they all flourish and while away the hours. I see the little fledglings nesting high up in the trees. Bees in and out the bushes with their variegated leaves, Where they gather all the pollen, then soar into the sky. They're heading home at speed, returning to the hive. The melody of the wind chimes as they tinkle in the breeze Interwoven with gossamer cobwebs, at night the spider weaves. The sunshine sparkles on the pond where the water lilies grow. Golden fish and tadpoles swimming safely down below. It's all so very peaceful relaxing in the sun Where the butterflies flutter by having so much fun. The sun goes down and darkness falls, the moon is big and bold, Where all that live in the garden have a story to be told. The little gnomes are watching the pixies and the sprites Dancing by the wishing well, aglow with fairy lights. I can sit here contemplating until it's very late In this magical piece of paradise, inside my garden gate.
© Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly More By Susan C Walkinshaw-Kelly Published: April 20, 2020

Thank you Liz for these photos from her Gileston walks. They are beautiful.
Don't forget Compline tonight from about 6:00.
Make the most of your day!