This week has been filled with some sad news in lots of different ways. There have been many deaths and people left grieving and mourning. It hurts! Yet, only a fortnight ago we were invited to stay with Christ in his agonies in the garden and his sufferings upon the Cross as he died. Easter Sunday gave us the joy and assurance that death was over come, but that doesn't mean that when we face the deaths of families and friends that it is easier. It is hard, hard graft.
As we remember Lord, our loved ones who have died,
be close to us all, ever living God,
and give to us your comfort and support.
You know how we are feeling in these days of grieving
and you know our disbelief, numbness, anger and confusion.
Help us to journey alongside you so we can live with this loss.
Help us to bring comfort, love, encouragement to those who also journey with us.
May your strength sustain us today and every day.
May your love enfold us each and every day
and your peace enable us to continue living fully.
May we know you not only as we mourn,
but also in the Resurrection of Our Lord,
who died and yet He lives again. AMEN
This poem was written and sent to me by Penny Snowden, one of Readers I think it is rather beautiful, immensely helpful and fits so well with Eastertide and our thoughts on butterflies. I probably should have shared it last week so apologies and many thanks to Penny.
trapped indoors
colours dulled
Somnolent, torpid, lifeless
Then warmed by the late sun
through the window
Slowly becomes animate
It stirs energy rising
life returning and then
the wings move and flutter
Instinct urges it upwards
towards the sun
Rejuvenated it bats the window pane
Again and again it hits the glass
remorseless in its battle
to reach for the light
Cupped hands scoop it up
gently released into the outside air
Freed it moves unimpeded to the sun.
Joy has sent me this rather beautiful prayer written by Bishop George Stack in her prayer book. It is so appropriate for us today as we live the Coronavirus days.
O Christ, our morning star,
Splendour of light eternal,
Shining with the glory of the rainbow,
Come and waken us from the greyness of our apathy
And renew us in you gift of hope.
I am most grateful to Linda and Di for sending this Elvis number, with it's encouraging words. this Elvis number is considered a "lost" song but it certainly isn't!