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  • Writer's picturerhianprime

There's a hero for everybody!

Superheros come in all shapes and sizes. The Americans have really cornered the market though with iconic characters such as Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman and Spiderman the list goes on. In fact, when was the last time you heard of a ten year old having a themed party without one such character - a superhero from the Marvel or DC universes, or perhaps from some computer game you've never heard of? In school World Book day often had to promoted as not a Superhero day and children to dress up in costumes other than their Superheros!!

Well, for a breath of fresh air, I would like to introduce to you the Danish hero, Kagemand, that's right Cakeman. Now, I don't know about you, but this hero certainly sounds more up my street than some of his more popular counterparts. I think though he just might be too sweet for my personal tastes. Kagemand isn't exactly a hero though, I will confess, but he is just as popular at birthday parties in Denmark!

Kagemand, a super-sized gingerbread man decorated with sweets, Danish flags and candles is not a tame option though, so don't be fooled. Part of the tradition surrounding him is that the birthday boy or girl gets to cut Kagemand's throat and decapitate him while the other party guests scream! How's that for a birthday surprise?!

What I like about Kagemand though, is that he is a surprise, he is the unexpected. He may be like something from a nightmare or two, but he commands love and affection. He can also be a she and the birthday or anniversary events swallowed up, in mountains of sugar, sweets, nationalistic joy and cake! It reaches crescendo at the end of the party when the birthday person decapitates Kagemand with shrieks of joy and laughter.

Kagemand makes a party! Indeed, that's what all Superheros do - they make situation right again, rescuing the damsel in distress, or saving communities, even the world, from all that is bad. When St Tathan's is involved with the Good Friday or Summer holiday clubs held with our Methodist friends, there is a lively Lego Superhero video frequently played which children love, both the lyrics and actions. The Superhero isn't Batman, Superman or even Kagemand, but Jesus, and the the children go wild! Jesus the Superhero, gives a new twist to the names we refer to him by. This isn't quite my cup of tea, but certainly makes a distant figure of Jesus very alive to the youngsters and in a way they can accept and understand. Alien to me and perhaps you too, but nevertheless bringing light into darkness, good into bad, love into hate and so on.

All Superheros resolve difficulties and problems, if they are allowed to, and so with Christ a living relationship with him opens a new door for us and gives new opportunities. We can celebrate as with Kagemand and have a party, we can return thanks for all we have and all we are today and every day, not in a mythical Superhero, but with Jesus.

This is the rather loud and raucous video, but listen, smile and see if you don't hum the repetitive tune all day as well! This what young children can revel in!

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