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Writer's picturerhianprime

Talent... a matter of perspective

It is time for all those Easter houses to be photographed and sent back to me. I have so far had one entry only so do chase the grandchildren and indeed you can still have a go to create either a home for wildlife or something for the window sill (eg a fairy house, or an easter house,) which might be on an Easter theme. You can use natural materials to decorate your home and remember if it is for wildlife it will need to be waterproof. I have posted now lots of examples to help you and inspire your creations. I have a "judge" waiting on the photos and I have prizes for one childrens' group and one adult group. You all have hidden and acknowledged talents, so have a go! They say the week will be rainy so something to do in the dry! Just forward any photos of your creation to me by Monday morning (4th) and I will forward them so they can be judged. I am excited to see what comes in!

I look at some people and see such talent, in what they can do, or what they say, or how they organise things, or their abilities with financial matters. We have people like this in our parish, who are so able in so many different ways. But we also have people who are talented in baking, photography, in art, sports, listening and music. We have those who are excellent at visiting, communicating, preaching and teaching, those who are comfortable with pipes, locks and rotting wood, with historians, crumbling stone and ancient documents, with liturgists, poets and writers, with linguists and opportunists.

Let us today look at our God given talents and return thanks for them. Sometimes we are slow to realise when God has touched us in a particular way and what we can share with others. Do we ever tell people when we think their talent shows, maybe in simple ways for example the offer of a coffee and a chat at the right moment, the awareness of someone's journey with God and thus maybe vocation, the words of a hymn, lyrics of a song, a certain piece of music which simply "presses the button" for us. The excitment of a person bursting with eager action and expectation to speak out socially for justice, peace and a freedom from hostility. Have you witnessed this in people? Have you witnessed and discovered your own talents?

I would alway state I don't think I am talented in any one thing, but do recognise that in all my efforts lies the hand of God. I would say I plod along and offer my very best to God, but know that God uses me as He uses us in all aspects of life. I have been called to be to be a priest within The Church of Wales, and you, God has called you to something too.

My days as a Methodist have long gone and I certainly do not wish to return, however, as many of you know I cherish deeply the words of the Covenant prayer.

"I am no longer my own, but thine.

Put me to what thou wilt,

rank me with whom thou wilt.

Put me to doing, put me to suffering*

. Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,

exalted for thee or brought low for thee.

Let me be full, let me be empty.

Let me have all things, let me have nothing.

I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.

And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.

And the covenant which I have made on earth,

et it be ratified in heaven. Amen. "

Note that in this prayer the word “suffering” is used in the sense of “patiently enduring” - the opposite of “doing”. We are not inviting God to inflict pain on us.

Whatever talents God has given to us and God has given to us all, but they will not necessarily be used in the way we expect. Can we cope with " being laid aside for Thee" or "let me be empty" and how do we feel about being expected to be patiently enduring all things?" Our understanding of talent, is not always what God understands and in God's service our God given talents will shine out.

Talking about talent, let me know what you think about this. One chap and eight ways of playing this piece, enriching our undertanding of music:

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Apr 28, 2020

Wow I've got a thankyou jar my sister gave me and you write on the pieces of paper inside what you're thankful for and That's exactly what I wrote yesterday thankyou God for all the diversity of this world and the people in it and thankyou for my artistic talents. It's funny you said the same thing on here. Great minds think alike ☺. Well written and the music is lovely and reflects diversity.


Apr 28, 2020

Wonderful. I cannot think of a single talent I have. I am definitdly not musical.


Apr 28, 2020

My effort will be with you soon! What a brilliant piece of music to cheer up a wet day! Surpassed yourself again `love Di X

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