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  • Writer's picturerhianprime

"Mise En Place"

As I sit in the study at my desk it feels decidedly chilly this morning and I am considering popping upstairs to pop on a cardigan. There is no doubt! Autumn is well on its way!

What sort of person are you, tidy or not? I go into so many homes and people either apologise franticly as they remove a pile of books, the dog or cat or the washing from the last available seat, or the room is so pristine that I am almost afraid to sit, for fear of creasing the cushions or seat! I am sure you have all been in such situations in life. I never mind what state things are in, as it isn't the house that I go to visit, but the people.

There is a French phrase "Mise En Place" which is rather lovely and means simply, to put in place. Things should be put in place to make our lives easier to cope with. This is often shown with cooking programmes on the tv, where each ingredient has been carefully weighed or measured and placed in a dish ready for the cooking to begin. Then when all is prepared the act of cooking and combining the ingredients can begin and the empty dishes stacked neatly ready for washing up. This is classic training for would be chefs.

Now when you cook do you weigh everything and place it in separate dishes or measure your liquids and place ready for use in jugs? I am afraid I don't and maybe this is the reason I am not a great cook! I do always get the ingredients ready beforehand along with the scales, but I weigh or measure everything as I need it. It is quicker, it is much easier and cuts down on the washing up too!

But ultimately, I am not that organised in the kitchen, never have sufficient time and am always dashing about. However if I transfer this to another situation, I do like to be ultra organised and ready to get on or cope with whatever. I cannot weigh out the bits of my life and have them ready for action or even measure what I will need for the day, but mentally I seek to be prepared and physically all is sorted. Life though is not like that and things happen that we don't expect, people call when not expected and throw the best laid plans etc up in the air. I would rather the people call like that than no-one call - sometimes when plans are scrapped the results are much, much better. I am sure you know what I mean and have been there at some point or other.

Do we as Christians try and sort our lives or commitment to Christ into little "dishes" so to speak, to be organised and ready? I think we would quickly discover that it is impossible and the amount of extra things we would be carrying with us, would impede our journey with Christ too! There is nothing wrong in having a routine and being organised, but if things happen, and let's face it something can always occur, we can always work around it and it can lead to a better day at times as well. We are challenged by Christ in our daily lives, we cannot live in a state of complete readiness for each and every thing, but can be organised and alert. We can build in discernment as that too is vital and most of all enjoy things as they are where they are, being challenged by more demanding things and benefit from all of that, as we too change and grow.

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