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Answers to quiz 4:
Bra quiz Answers:
BRA QUIZ All the answers have the letters BRA in them
EXAMPLE: CLUE: A trademark ANSWER: Brand
1. An alcoholic spirit BRANDY
2. A dotty method of reading BRAILLE
3. A south American nut BRAZIL
4. A device for slowing a wheel BRAKE
5. He set up the Virgin Company BRANSON (Sir Richard)
6. A magic formula ABRACADABRA
7. An alloy of copper and zinc BRASS
8. A retriever breed of dog LABRADOR
9. He acted in ‘The Godfather’ and ‘A streetcar named Desire’ (Marlon) BRANDO
10. A large branch holder for candles CANDELABRA
11. A wild prickly shrub BRAMBLE
12. The founder of the Jewish nation ABRAHAM
13. An outward display of fearlessness BRAVADO
14. A motor racing track BRANDS HATCH
15. A plaited tress of hair BRAID
16. The capital of Slovenia BRATISLAVA
17. A piece of jewellery BRACELET
18. It holds a shelf up BRACKET
19. Shameless and defiant BRAZEN
20. Supreme Hindu diety BRAHMA
21. A notable Irish actor and director BRANAGH (Sir Kenneth)
22. A scraping on the skin ABRASION
23. A limb on a tree BRANCH
24. A French restaurant BRASSERIE
25. Muscular strength BRAWN
26. A leaf at the base of the flower BRACT
27. To cook slowly in a covered pan BRAISE
28. Husks of cereal grain BRAN
29. The nearest Sunday to the 11th November REMEMBRANCE DAY
30. Mathematical system that uses letters to represent quantities to be investigatedALGEBRA
31 A thin flexible tissue MEMBRANE
32. A clasp/hug or cuddle EMBRACE
33. A collection of books for borrowing LIBRARY
34. A poisonous hooded snake COBRA
35. Worn by men to hold up their trousers BRACES
36. Used to pierce wood or leather BRADAWL
37. An intensive discussion to solve problems or to generate ideasBRAIN
Well who got full marks then?
New Quiz
For example
Fletcher Christian led revolt here Bounty Stupid Laugh Snickers
1 (eg) Jesse James, Billy the Kid, Ned Kelly 2 Knaves of the spade and club variety 3 Basil has trouble serving this to Mr Hamilton – should he have used apples and pears instead? 4 Trevi contains fizzy powder 5 Wobbly little people 6 Chocolate breakfast item (can be served in many ways) 7 What happened at “Hanging Rock”? 8 Bruce used to ask women to “Give us a .....” 9 Talk Quietly 10 Red planet 11 Whisky artist in front of his prop 12 Thousand and Thousands 13 Steve Zodiac visited here between Jupiter and the Moon 14 Grumble in the mouth 15 Jamie works in Llantrisant 16 Hasselhoff’s furry car 17 Game played on horseback in chukkas with initial extra line 18 Mayfair or Park Lane, maybe? 19 That is Northern city reversed (Has a Minster) 20 9 or 10 or 11
Another challenge from Jodie.
When were the following items introduced into Britain???
Here are a few dates to choose from……..
1798 1965 1896 1923 1949
1914 1875 1959 1943 1954
1948 1966 1892 1945 1906