Last week we were tested on famous quotes, who said what? Did you know? Let's have a look at the answers:
1) "It is always darkest just before _____." - Thomas Fuller
A) The dawn
B) The end
C) A new beginning
D) You switch on the light
2) "Ignorance is _____." - Thomas Gray
A) Futile
B) Bliss
C) Joy
D) An obstacle
3) "A penny saved is a penny _____." - unknown
A) Wasted
B) Loved
C) Earned
D) Lost
4) "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a _____!" - Clark Gable in "Gone with the Wind"
A) Hoot
B) Care
C) Darn
D) Damn
5) "I'm gonna make him an offer he can't _____." - Marlon Brando in "The Godfather"
A) Resist
B) Believe
C) Reject
D) Refuse
6) "I think therefore I _____." - Descartes
A) Drink
B) Am
C) Love
D) Speak
7) "Speak softly and _____; you will go far." - Theodore Roosevelt
A) Love everyone
B) Hit hard
C) Carry a big stick
D) Yell fiercely
8) "Hell hath no fury like _____." - William Congreve
A) A woman scorned
B) An angry woman
C) A woman cheated
D) A woman wronged
9) “Life is what happens to you while you're _____.” - Allen Saunders
A) Busy making other plans
B) Looking the other way
C) Asleep at night
D) In love
10) "God doesn't _____." - Albert Einstein
A) Give us all the answers
B) Care for math
C) Approve of our squabbles
D) Play dice with the world
11) "That which doesn’t kill us makes us _____." - Friedrich Nietzsche
A) Weaker
B) Stronger
C) Different
D) Think
12) "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their _____." – Martin Luther King
A) Minds
B) Hearts
C) Character
D) Lunchbox
13) "In the middle of every difficulty lies _____." - Albert Einstein
A) Success
B) Opportunity
C) Triumph
D) Despair
14) "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the _____." – Katharine Hepburn
A) Fun
B) Experience
C) Goodness
D) Risk
15) "Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all _____." – Abraham Lincoln
A) Doubt
B) Luster
C) Mystery
D) Question
Go on then, let me know how you did?!
This week we are back thinking about travel and the wider world. Here's another travel trivia quiz for you - it's a two parter this week, so hopefully it'll keep you going through the week!
Round 1
1. Where can you find the Seven Coloured Earths?
2. What is the scientific name for the Northern Lights?
3. Which central South American country is home to the largest salt flats in the world?
4. Which pink flower that grows on trees brings thousands of visitors to Japan annually when in full bloom?
5. Which Greek God has been immortalised in a statue that you can visit in Olympia?
6. Victoria Falls is a waterfall on which Southern African river?
7. On which Caribbean island can you swim with pigs?
8. Where is the Blue Grotto?
9. Where is the Blue Lagoon geothermal spa?
10. The Temple of the Emerald Buddha and The Grand Palace can be found in which Asian capital?
Round 2
Name the countries: