Did you enjoy a lie in this morning? I did a bit. And very nice it was too!
The preparation for Holy week and Easter are many and it is physically tiring as well as emotionally and spiritually exhausting for all clergy and those involved in leading worship.
Enjoy some music today as you think back on your plans for an Easter house or house for wildlife for your garden or even your windowsill. Are you gathering bits from your daily exercise or are you already crafting it? Maybe you have passed it on to your grandchildren or the children of neighbours or friends? Remember it needs to be waterproof if it is going to be outside - take time to decorate it carefully. You could try experimenting with a mixture of materials and textures, colours, etc.

This is a competition and I have an independent judge who will look at all your photos at the end. Hopefully we can have two categories, one for children and one for adults and a small prize for the winner of both categories - keep working at it!
I have found some more ideas to go with the original ones which might further inspire you or give you ideas if you are struggling. Here are some more traditional Easter garden ideas:

Or if you're thinking about a more alternative garden/nature habitat to put in your garden, on your balcony, or in a window, take a look at these:

Thank you to those who shared pictures of their alternative palm offerings! We spotted a few on our daily walk, and as promised, here are a few for you to enjoy again:

Thank you Ruth and Di for these!
Millie sent me this verse which is lovely and much loved by her so I wanted to share it with you all. I believe it is a part of the longer poem entitled, God's Garden. Thank you Millie.

The kiss of the sun for pardon
The song of the birds for mirth,
One is nearer God's heart in the garden
Than anywhere else on earth.
by Dorothy Frances Gurney