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Christmas "presence" and thoughts from Sue Moll

Who can spot Ruth with her hat on?

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a very organised phone user. I’ve never really got into the mobile phone age. Oh I’ve got an all-singing, all-dancing android phone, but the problem is that I have never really learned how to make it sing and dance. I marvel at how easily my 11-year old granddaughter skims through apps, and even when she tries to teach me how to ”access” the various functions, I get lost when I try to do it without her helping hand.

I think I am fairly technologically aware, well, I use a computer for most things like shopping and banking. In fact my husband tells people that if a day goes by without a delivery from Amazon, the delivery drivers call to see if we are OK. But I have never become a dedicated mobile phone user. This is revealed by the way I forget to charge my phone, I carry it round for days in my handbag, and then when I do try to use it, it is completely dead because I have not given it its regular boost of electrical power by attaching it to its charger. Even when I do remember to charge it, I forget to take it off the charger and when I go to use it, I am out and about somewhere, and I’ve left my phone at home charging.

My excuse is that we live in an area where the phone signal is very intermittent, so most of the time I have to use the landline to make calls. But that is not really a valid excuse, and I keep telling myself I need to get into a routine with mobile technology. When I checked my phone a few minutes ago, it told me my charge was getting very low, so I knew I had to hook it up to its charger and let its battery build up some power again.

While I was attaching the phone to its charger and connecting the charger to the mains electrical supply, I started thinking about how much easier it is to charge our spiritual batteries. We do not need to find the charger, connect ourselves to it by plugging it in to some heavenly power plug and wait for the national grid to do its stuff and power up our inner connections. All we have to do, wherever we are, anywhere in the world, is just talk to God. Whenever we talk to God, he recharges our batteries, even when we are not aware of being recharged. I find reading or listening to the Bible charges my batteries as well, and going to a Church service, especially a Eucharist is the ultimate recharge my spirit needs.

In this time of coronavirus it is not always possible to get to our spiritual charging centre, but

wherever we are we can link up to the wi-fi link that never needs a password and is always ready to listen to us. Whenever we need help, all we need to do is call on God’s power and our battery will be powered up. We can simply rely on God’s amazing power to come to us and be with us, whether our battery power is low, or even completely dead.

- Sue Moll

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