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  • Writer's picturerhianprime

Autumn Days

Hi all, it's Becky again today. I've just noticed nothing has gone out on the blog today so far, so thought I'd put something out now (better late than never!) as I know a few of you follow the blog on a daily basis.

I don't know how many of you know, but I did an MA in Creative Writing a few years ago, so I thought I would share with you a writing exercise we did when I was a student, just after Harvest. I hope you enjoy!

Using a stimulus, perhaps a walk you have been on this week, or perhaps something seasonal you have seen on TV, think about Harvest and Autumn and the changes we see in the world at this time of year. If you are stuck for inspiration, try spending a few minutes in the garden taking note of your surroundings, or listen to these pieces of music:

As you listen to the music, or recall your stimulus, think about how Autumn makes you feel. Jot down as many words or phrases that you can about what you notice or feel about Autumn. Don't forget to use all of your senses! Smell, sight, sound, touch, feel... just write as many connected words, phrases or sentences that you can.

Now taking a moment to pause in between, revisit the words you have just written. Pull out 10 words or ideas that you like or feel you connect with most.

Using this shortened list, try and write a short poem. Perhaps a haiku (a three-line poem with seventeen syllables, written in three lines with a 5/7/5 syllable count), or a short free-form poem. If poems aren't your thing, that's okay too! Have a look at the words anyway - perhaps something there will inspire you in another way - it might give you inspiration to pick up a paintbrush, get knitting, do some baking, or listen and/or play some other music.

If you're happy with what you've got, do send it in, either to Mum's email, or comment below - I'd love to share them on Saturday's blog which I will also be running.

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