Croeso! We are off on a whizz round some European Christmas markets today. I am sure many of you have been on such trips and soaked up the delights of these ancient Advent markets. They normally are functioning throughout Advent and shutting up shop on 24th December. They are noisy, fragranced, full of colour and festive music.
I have always wanted to go and fancied sipping gluhwein in snowy surroundings. However, in reality it is too busy and crowded for me and I am normally too busy with Advent preps going on anyway!
It is said that the seven separate Christmas markets of Cologne, Germany are the best in Europe, but in a Europe when most of the towns and cities celebrate Advent with these colourful markets, we will have to take a look and make up our own minds.
We travel on now to Poland and see yet another market, but with a different flavour. There is still much emphasis on colour, food and drink and having fun. These Christmas markets go on until after Epiphany so they are more of a true Christmas market and less of an Advent one.
Now we journey to Switzerland to a real icy magical treat. There is still lots going on and I actually saw a Nativity here - look closely, did you see it?
We will conclude our trip with a visit to quite a different market in Naples, Italy. On first look despite it being 8th December it is warmer and brighter too. People are still out enjoying the delights with lots of Christmas goodies on sale. Did you see the "bambinos" in the crib for sale? It is still noisy and maybe not so colourful, but also showing more of an understanding of what Christmas is really about, though of course everyone wanting to make money from the event too!
Which did you like best or least? Where might you wish to visit when things are safe to do so? Why was one better than another? Which market reflected Advent best or were they just Christmassy?
It is a long and quite repetitive day out today, but with loads of information; so dip in and out as suits you! Next week another seasonal surprise!
This week Seasons celebrated with Jude as she said goodbye and prepares for her next chapter in the Cowbridge Benefice. Thanks to Di for sharing some photos with us. It certainly looked chilly!
Di said, "Well wrapped up and in sunshine we enjoyed a suitably distanced hour of Seasons at the beach."